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I'm usually not one for Birthday's, but seeing as I spent 8 months of last year telling everyone I was 26, when I was only 25, I feel this year was a free birthday where I didn't age. I turned the ripe old age of 26 on February 17. It's official - I'm old. There really isn't a young spin you can put on 26 (unless your 70 talking to someone who is 26). In my eyes everything over 25 has a big red stamp with the letters "OLD". In no way am I complaining, I'm actually beyond stoked.

I've arrived at the age where I know what I want, I know who I want around me, and know who and what not to waste my time on. Childishness, negativity and toxicity are just some of the many things I no longer pander to. If your aim is to cause issues, I won't give you the opportunity to get close enough to me to do so.

I used to say I had no time for those things, but the truth is I still cared too much about hurting or offending people, being seen to be a bitch, so would find myself getting involved in the drama of it all trying to justify myself and my actions. Gone are the days where I provide explanation for why I no longer want someone in my life. I mean what's the point? Do I really to address all the nasty, malicious, sly moves we both know you're making, only to watch you pathetically try and deny it? I don't think so. And I'm hilarious by the way, so you know I have much better things to waste my breath on - such as laughing at my own jokes, duh.

Anyway that was just an announcement to put you all on notice - enough negativity. IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY!! And to say I was spoilt is an understatement. My birthday landed on a Friday, which is perfect as it's the most manageable day at work. My colleagues surprised me with a Golden Gaytime Cake from The Chester Street Bakery. Hands down one of the best cakes I've had! Honestly, so so delicious and light. I'm not a huge cakes and cookies person so that's saying something. I was sent the most gorgeous flowers from my friends, and old photos from the archives which just cemented how nice the friendships I've made to date are, and how lucky I am to have these people in my life.

That evening I bumped into my best friend at the hairdressers, and my love took me out to an amazing dinner a Sake; a fine dining Japanese restaurant located on Eagle Street Peer. The food was amazing, along with the service. It was nice to get dressed up, not cook and have a night to ourselves. Everything was so delicate and light but still managed to fill you up so you didn't leave hungry. The cocktails were delicious too! Try the Japanese Rose one, thank me later.

After dinner we went home and relaxed in preparation for my celebration with family and friends on the Saturday. Perfect timing too as I've joined an eight week challenge starting on 27 February, so it was my last hoorah before I have to knuckle down and get fit.


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