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It's funny how life works. Way back when, before I could stand on my own two feet, I met a little strawberry blonde, freckled faced girl in the sandpit of our Noosa apartment block. Yeah, that's right; a ranga in MY sandpit. Ja'mie would be so offended.

After an intense, jellied leg, turf war stare down, we called for a sandcastle off; winner takes the pit.

There were tears. Naps. The sand spread nappy rash. Dummy's were lost. Conditions were tough.

At the end of an arduous battle, we drew. Neither having been defeated we were left with only one option - join forces and rule the sandpit against those Noosa Harbour guests.

Fine, that may be a slight exaggeration, maybe even the beginnings of a novel but "our parents met in a sandpit and bonded, we've been friends ever since" just doesn't have the same ring to it. And who even knows, anyway?! I don't remember meeting Annasmelle, I was so young; it could have very well gone down like I said. In any case, the world has become our sandpit and we are ruling it 25 years later as friends. Just like sand through the hourglass, these are the days of our lives. Sorry, couldn't help myself...

It had been far too long since our last catch up until this morning, a common theme in our friendship. One we always vow to change but things aren't as cruisey as they were back in the day. Being an adult is pretty lame, I feel I'm always busy doing nothing. Annie on the other hand seems to always be busy bettering herself. With hard work comes results, and after completing her high schooling in a foreign language (I kid you not) and graduating University, Annie created a successful career for herself as a journalist - but what's success without passion?

As she grew older and wiser, I think Annasmelle began to relate to Rosa Couchette Carey's notion of doing something with passion, or not at all. Courageously Annie took the leap into the unknown, something I believe everyone should do once in life; be completely out of their comfort zone. Leaving behind her job and financial security to embark on a mission of self discovery, a mission to rediscover her passion and drive; Annie set off on her knew adventure unbeknown to where it would lead her.

Simply watching her go through this process has made me realise life's too short to spend 8 hours a day doing something only half your heart is in. Doing something that causes you stress, anxiety and tears because you're afraid of the unknown, or simply comfortable with the money and security you have, is a ridiculous concept when you actually think about it.

I believe this mentality over a long period of time is the driving factor behind the deterioration of mental health, and also why some people are unable to shake the sometimes debilitating feeling of being in a rut.

We need to acknowledge and identify this 'safe' mentality and change it in ourselves when it becomes toxic. Remember we are here to live, not simply exist. Money will never be more important than genuinely enjoying life, and although I believe money can help with that; if you find yourself giving up your enjoyment for the acquisition of a few extra bucks, you're on a losing path.

After finding her feet Annasmelle developed, edited, produced and released a cookbook in just a month; simultaneously organising and running cookery courses, writing a blog; and more. I honestly can't keep up with everything she has in the pipeline. You'll just have to keep an eye on Annabelle Chapple's Blog. One thing I have kept up with is the fact she is the happiest I've seen her in a long time. I believe that is because she took the risk, she made that leap and is now carving her own path in a forest filled with her passions, and not someone else's. The proof is in the christmas pudding, and everyone can learn something from my beautiful friend.

I purchased Annie's cookbook Three Wise Women for only $20!! That's not even mates rates! With over 20 delicious recipes and even more helpful hints for the kitchen it's the biggest bargain I've got in a long time. AND get this, you receive a free mini whisker! (Limited time so hurry). So cute and practicle. I cannot wait to get in the kitchen and try out some recipes, especially seeing as this book is centred around Christmas meals. I peaked a delicious ham leg recipe which I'm dying to serve up just in time for Christmas!

Follow Annasmelle and her cooking adventures on Instagram

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